Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I made people laugh tonight at Trader Joe's. The lady ahead of me was buying some Charles Shaw Merlot, and she complained that they didn't have the Chardonnay.

I had left the line to get my own Cabernet Sauvignon ("life is a cabernet, old chum") and when I came back one of the cashiers was saying "Boy, we sure sell alot of that. It's so economical." (It's two dollars a bottle, hence it's nickname.)

I said, "Yeah, and it doesn't stain your teeth permanently like other cheap wines."

Everyone laughed loudly and with great enjoyment. Both cashiers kept joking with me and laughing through the rest of my transaction. The rest of the day was pretty tedious, so it was nice to make a splash and come home smiling.

Mmmm.... and now I'm at home and I can drink some wine and go to bed... Maybe I will watch DIVA again before I send it back...



Susan said...

Sometimes things like that just make a cashiers day. I for one use to be one. Although I was the one that would break the ice and it worked on the gumpy customers.

Mr. Shife said...

You go girl.

soonerfan78 said...

Oh yeah...that's what I'm talkin' answer to your question, the welcome page to the bar is up...and it will kick in tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m.C.S.T....IT is an experiment since I can't post pics of drinks in my comments...just gonna wing it...bring yoreself and REPRESENT! PLENTY OF WINE AND OKIE HOSPITALITY for the Toodler;)

Ron Kane said...

(burp) - can we make some wine ppopsicles?

Scottish Toodler said...

Ron--Wine popsicles!!! WOO HOO!! Blogdreamz-I have been a cashier myself too. One thing I loved was all the interactions with people and the chit chat!! Don if you come here we have to go the pub and have some pints!! Mr Shife, you were my inspiration!! Turtle I knew you loved some two buck chuck-- isn't TJ's the best store!!!-- Dwelling- I AM SO GLAD SOONERS IS OPEN ON BLOGGER!!!