Thursday, March 02, 2006



What can I say about Ms. Babs? I first knew her as Sooner's "Stepford Babs" in the epic Monkey saga. It was not until after "meeting" her at Sooner's Bar and Grill that I realized she was the recipient of one of the first posts I ever read: on MENTAL EXCREMENTS, "Thank you for being you." I encourage to read this wonderful post, as it says everything that I am going to try to say about tonight's Toodle recipient.

I lurked on Babs blog for a long time before posting comments. She is so involved with her blogosphere, so central a connection to so many people and unfailing support for those that struggle with the same demons that she does (she suffers from clinically diagnosed bi-polar disorder), but she is also an outspoken lady who does not back down from conflict. She speaks her mind. I admit to being a tad intimidated.

For someone who eschews our consumer culture she does have a wide variety of interests and insights. Her enthusiasm for NASCAR, gardening, music, politics, reading, and of course, fighting mental illness, have turned me onto to a lot of things that I would not have inquired about on my own. (That I know the names Sadler and Kensath is a remarkable achievement in and of itself!)

Babs, to me, is like the mysterious lady who lives by herself at the edge of the wood. If her life were a television show I think it would be like CHARMED or BUFFY, where she is fighting these demons that others cannot see. She is guarding the perimeter of our unseen lives, and I do believe that one day she will triumph. Triumph in a way that none of us can foresee, but that will benefit us all. I fully expect to see her on Larry King, or one of these CNN talk shows: "Well, Larry, it hit me on night when I couldn't marshmallow-- that's what I called sleeping on my blog to avoid the Google sleep ads--" [laughter from the audience] "And it was such a tremendous breakthrough that I realized I had to spread the news, so I immediately summoned the cockroach army in Plano--" [more laughter from the knowing members of the audience] ...

Yes, that's right, in addition to being a wise woman and a crusader, she has a truly insane sense of humour, recently grossing us all out-- er, I mean, making us all laugh-- with her imaginary (or are they???) army of cockroaches. With them she will take over the world and rid us of stupid people, obnoxious neighbours and telemarketers, Dubya--oh, wait, I already said stupid people-- and, well, you get the idea.

It is with great honour that I hereby bestow the Babsilicious Toodle on Blogville Mental Asylum's Head head case, Ms. Babs!!!

(deafening applause, whistle's, shouts of "bravo bravo", the orchestra is playing "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." A STANDING OVATION!!!!)


Matt Kensath and Elliot Sadler send their regrets that they could not attend the ceremony, due to their NASCAR obligations.


apositivepessimist said...

oops...*realises that i'm not wearing any undies*

*strips of some dudes undies that has a number 38 on them and throws them onstage instead*

Astronaut said...

You're so very kind to so many people, this promotes peace and happiness, which of course i use frequently, congratulations babs! I shall go over to her blog now.

yellowdoggranny said...

ahhhh my lady of the roaches...queen of all things good and captured her completely...she rules...thanks for seeing her for who she is...voices and all..

Cassandra said...

Ahh shucks... thank you for the Toodle!!! I have a tear in my eye. *sniff* I think I'll tell the next telemarketer that calls that I won a Toodle and they can Toodle off!!

PS.. do I get to keep Antonio??

BriteYellowGun said...

Wow, you summed Babs up perfectly! She really is like the "den mother" of her blog circle whether she wants to be or not. But it's only because she cares about people and in return there is a lot of love out there for her from all of us.

Congratulations Babs!

Linda said...

Boy did you ever get Babs down pat. I call her our "Mother Hen". She is always around with a kind word for everybody and words of encouragement. This means a lot to me because when I am down and out she always has a hand out to pull me "out of the pit". When she feels down we all go over to see her and let her know we care and are here if she needs us. Well done Toodler. Sounds just like our Babs.....

Display Name said...

Here here! I am proud to claim her madness as my own. Long live the Babs!

Unknown said...

Cool! She oh-so-deserves it!

I'm honored that one of my posts got thrown in the mix. ;)

Mr. Shife said...

Congrats Babs.

Clance' McClannahan said...

"Guarding the perimeter of our unseen lives" Brilliant choice of words. Bab's is so very special.
I expect her to be on Larry King someday too...

Rocky (Racquel) said...


hey Toodler, if you're not a WORKING writer in LA, it's just because the people around you are too stupid to realize what a brilliant talent you are!! :-)

Cassandra said...

True Rocky! You are an excellent writer Toodler!!
And yes, you did me more than justice. I feel like a saint or something. Well, maybe I don't fell quite that good... that would be no fun being all saintly. Que the Billy Joel..

Scottish Toodler said...

Yes, Babs, you can keep Antonio. Melanie is being distracted with promises of an award backstage and Antonio is prepared t run away with you. Toodles are also very powerful aphrodisiacs.